Darul huda which was established as Islamic academy in 1986 and formally upgraded as a University in May 2009 is a successful implementation system of true educational philosophy of Islam. This philosophy was discussed by some great visionary scholars and leaders in Kerala who were deeply concerned about the dichotomous view towards education as religious and material. A host of brilliant minds like Moulana M.M Basheer Musliyar (1929-87), Dr. U Bapputty Haji (1929-2003), Moulana C.H. Hydaroos Musliyar (1930-1994), Sayed Umar Ali Shihab Tangal Panakkad (1941-2008), Pro. E. Muhammed (1944-2010), Shaikhuna Cherussey Zainudheen Musliyar (1937-2016), Dr. Bahaudheen Muhammed Nadvi and like came together inorder to bring Islamic education system back to its original vision. They envisioned an amicable combination of religious and secular, spiritual and material education.
Extending its hands for the north-eastern status of India, Darul Huda started an off campus named Darul Huda Islamic University Bengal Campus in Bhimpur of Bibhum district in West Bengal. Aiming the socio-religious and educational empowerment of north-east Muslims, Darul Huda started its academic journey admitting 60 students for its first batch on 8 September, 2012.
Bhimpur, Paikar PS,
Bibhum Dist., West Bengal
Open Hours:
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
+91 9083967379, +91 8371826110