+91 9083967379 bengalcampus@dhiu.in

The Secondary program offers a well-planned and scientifically designed five year course which is the basic and primary arena in the 10 year academic program of DHBC. Highly intelligent and brilliant students aged between 10-12 are admitted to the Secondary level following rigorous written and oral admission tests.

DHBC designed this program to give students the necessary basis of knowledge of language, and Islamic and Contemporary disciplines that enables students tread quietly and cautiously the path ahead of academic program. Secondary also provide an educational environment within which students acquire skill necessary for the realization of their potential. Syllabus consists of books that give primary lessons of four languages, namely, Arabic, English, Urdu and Bengali and other disciplines that belong to both from religious and contemporary.


Bhimpur, Paikar PS,
Bibhum Dist., West Bengal

Open Hours:

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


+91 9083967379, +91 8371826110