+91 9083967379 bengalcampus@dhiu.in

MISBAH (Movement to Improve Student Broad Activities for Huda) is a Darul Huda Bengal Campus student union founded in 2014. A core committee of 7 members is selected from Degree and senior secondary students through general election each year. This core committee selects sub-committee as chairmen and conveners for 16 sub wings under MISBAH union. Especially language wings, art club, media wing etc. MISBAH is a platform which makes students utterly capable of playing the scholarly communication and enables them to be skillful through conducting different kinds of programs. It also plays the important roles and highlights its sublimity and nobility across this institution through the students.

  • To attempt to fulfill the aims of Darul Huda Islamic University.
  • To develop and expose the infinite hidden potential of students.
  • To serve the society.
  • To publish books and magazines.
  • To develop students skills and talents


Bhimpur, Paikar PS,
Bibhum Dist., West Bengal

Open Hours:

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


+91 9083967379, +91 8371826110