+91 9083967379 bengalcampus@dhiu.in

Welcome to Darul Huda Islamic University, Bengal off-campus Art Fest Competition 2023

About Us:
Welcome to the annual Darul Huda Islamic University, Bengal off-campus art festival competition, ESPERANZA 2K23, a vibrant celebration of creativity and artistic talent. We invite all students to showcase their artistic skills and compete in a diverse range of categories. This event is dedicated to nurturing creativity, encouraging artistic development, and offering an opportunity for emerging artists to shine.

Event Details:
Date: 15/10/23 to 31/10/23
Time: Morning to Evening
Location: Bhimpur, Birbhum

Competition Categories:

• Speeches
• Writings
• literature
• Drawing
• Digital Art
• Photography
• Mixed Media

Participation Guidelines:

This competition is exclusively for Darul Huda Islamic University, Bengal off-campus students. Participants may not enter in one or more categories. Artwork must be original and created by the participant. Detailed submission guidelines and deadlines can be found here: www.dhbengal.in

Judging Panel:

Our distinguished judging panel is composed of experienced artists, art educators, and professionals from the art industry. They will carefully assess and provide feedback on each entry, considering factors such as creativity, technique, and originality.
We encourage participants to bring their best work forward, as the feedback provided by our esteemed panel can be a valuable learning experience. This is an excellent opportunity to receive recognition for your artistic talents and gain valuable insights into the world of art.


We offer thrilling rewards and recognitions for the champions, such as monetary rewards, educational grants, and the chance to present your artwork at ESPERANZA 2K23 Art Fest, alongside various additional prospects.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact us at bengalcampus@dhiu.info or call: +91 9083967379, +91 8371826110

Follow Us:

Stay updated with the latest news and announcements by following us on Social Media Link:
Website: https://www.dhbengal.in/dhbc-art-fest-.html
Facebook: dhbengalcampus
Instagram: darulhudabengal
YouTube: westbengalcampusdhiu4940

Sponsors and Partners:

We extend our heartfelt thanks to our sponsors and collaborators whose generosity makes this event possible. And we're immensely grateful to our sponsors and partners for their generous support.


Bhimpur, Paikar PS,
Bibhum Dist., West Bengal

Open Hours:

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


+91 9083967379, +91 8371826110